Realistic New Year's Weight Loss and Diet Goals for 2021

Realistic New Year's Weight Loss and Diet Goals for 2021

With each new year, it’s hard not to reflect on the year prior with some regret. Instead of dwelling on the past, look forward and plan ahead! 2021 is around the corner, and after the unpredictability of 2020, there are plenty of reasons to go into 2021 with intention.

Many Americans set resolutions each year, and setting New Year’s resolutions can be a great thing to prompt mindfulness in choices and setting expectations for the new year. Unfortunately, up to 80% of resolutions will fail by February! Studies continue to show the trend of failing resolutions. Many of these failing resolutions are related to health, weight loss, or diet. 

So why are people failing at their resolutions? And how can you set a realistic resolution for yourself? 

5 Steps For Choosing and Setting a New Years Resolution 

Think of a resolution as a goal, but bigger. Your New Year's resolution will set the tone for your mindset, routines, and goals in the new year. You can make your New Year's resolution as specific as you see fit. 

Step One: Reflect on the last year

To stick to your resolution, you’ll want it to be something you are passionate about. What went right in the last year? What went wrong? What do you wish you would have done differently? 

Step Two: Limit yourself to 1-3 resolutions 

When you look back you might think of a few things you’d like to change in the new year. Be careful to not overload yourself. Set a few resolutions and do them to the best of your ability. 

Step Three: Be sure your resolution is realistic and measurable

One way to narrow down on the right resolution is to make sure you’re being realistic with yourself and life in general. Also, you’ll want it to be measurable. What does “success” mean for you with your resolution? How will you know if you reach your goals? 

Step Four: Decide how you’ll stay accountable and measure progress 

Staying accountable is the time you can lean on others or outside help. Depending on your resolution, is there someone who can do it by your side? Is there someone who can check-in on you or ask how things are going every so often? Another way to stay accountable is to measure your progress. If you’re able to record your progress (whether that be checking off days or measuring something like weight loss), this will also keep you going and accountable to keep up your records! 

Step Five: Plan ahead for setbacks and lack of motivation 

Before getting started you must be ready to face struggles during the journey. Unfortunately, struggle is inevitable. There will be days you don’t feel motivated, you are discouraged, or aren’t seeing progress. Plan ahead for how you’ll handle this! Some ideas are: Turn to your accountability partner, write a letter to yourself about why it matters to you, and allow yourself to take a break when needed. 

Realistic Wellness Resolutions 

If you’re interested in beating the odds and reaching a health-related resolution, we’re rooting for you! As we mentioned in our steps, you’ll want to make a resolution that means something to you and is attainable. 

This means, setting a resolution to lose 100 pounds might not be feasible, but how about a resolution to work out 4 times per week? Think of how your resolution can get you to a goal you have but is more measurable and realistic. 

It’s also so important to approach any diet, weight loss, and health-related resolutions carefully. Your health (mentally and physically) is priority one! 

Here is a list of realistic, healthy resolutions that you can do:

  • Move more every day 
  • Eat 3 servings of vegetables each day 
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Cut back on sugar
  • Get to the gym at least 3x/week
  • Learn how to kickbox
  • Cook healthy meals at home 

Again, these resolutions should be as specific and as measurable as possible to help you succeed. Here is an example of a resolution we recommend that is specific, measurable, and has accountability built-in:

Get to the gym at least 3 times per week, keep track with an apple watch, and have a gym buddy!

You Can Beat the Odds!

Many Americans will fail at their resolutions, but that’s because they haven’t thought them through enough or cared enough in the first place. Set yourself up for success by choosing a resolution you’ll have motivation for year-round, and anticipate the days you’re not feeling up to the challenge. Above all, be sure you’re staying healthy and are being realistic with what is attainable for you. 

And Remember…

Resolutions don’t have to be made on only January 1st! The most important part is that you start and that you stick with it every day! Happy New Year!

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